Where to Buy

Make Instagram

Create a Path to Purchase for
Your Instagram Followers

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Instagram has the highest engagement of any social media platform and is key to building loyalty for any brand. But what if your Instagram could engage your fans and deliver profitable ROI and sales conversions at the same time?

When you pair PriceSpider’s Where to Buy Solution with Instagram, you not only optimize your brand and products for conversion, you gain visibility into the entire customer journey. You take back control of the customer experience, and heavily influence ROI throughout the entire journey. From discovery to after the sale, you’ll capture valuable insights while driving sales.


With PriceSpider’s Where to Buy + Instagram you can:

  • Control the customer journey and optimize the experience
  • Gain full-cart visibility from discovery to beyond the sale
  • Heavily influence ROI and optimize sales conversion
  • Convert high engagement on Instagram to trackable sales conversions

Shoptimize the Customer Journey

Influence Sales Conversion across the Entire Customer Journey

You can now take back control of the customer journey, create a direct line of communication with consumers, strengthen your relationship with retailers, drive sales conversions, and measure marketing ROI. Now that's quite a lot more than what you thought a "where to buy" could do isn't it?

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Highlight the Path to Purchase

Social media isn’t just for likes and followers anymore. Consumers demand convenience and that can actually help you drive sales! Give consumers the experience they want and show them where to buy your products right from your Instagram posts, Stories, and Instagram Ads.

Seamless Shoppable Experience

When you offer purchase options on Instagram, your fans can get to your brand where it matters most, at checkout. Not only are you able to show your brand’s personality, but you can drive brand awareness while promoting special offers, and giving them the shopping experience they want.

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Real-time Data Insights

What good is tons of data without action? PriceSpider’s Shoppable Media for Instagram can measure marketing ROI, content effectiveness, and sales conversion. That's why top brands trust us to make their Instagram Shoppable.

The Top Consumer Brand Choice

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Learn How to Activate Shoppable Media on Instagram Now