Amazon Retailer Spotlight: Where to Buy Trend Report

United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy 2024

Make every moment shoppable and discover actionable insights that will revolutionize your selling strategy.

Amazon WTB Report

The world has changed, and ecommerce has changed with it. Shoppers interact with brands and products differently than they did just a year ago - that’s how fast the shopper journey can change. The rise of social media platforms introducing purchasing options meant that the shopper journey started to shift more towards social and search than ever before. 

Search and video are now among the biggest drivers in purchasing decisions, and brands are adjusting their ad budgets to tap into this shopper tendency. But how do you move shoppers from off-site touchpoints like social media to optimized Amazon PDPs where you can convert them into sales?

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Making Your Digital Touchpoints Shoppable

Ensuring that potential customers have a straightforward path to purchase means a higher likelihood that they’ll make that final purchasing decision. Our Shoppable Solutions put the power back into brands’ hands and allow them to send traffic to the page where shoppers are most likely to convert. 

For this latest report, we analyzed data from seven product verticals in five main European countries: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The insights in our report reveal how our Where To Buy and Insights 360 solutions drive efficiency throughout the entire customer journey.

What you’ll find in the report:

  • Vertical-specific insight into a range of metrics, including lead conversion rate and purchase rate
  • Country-specific insights, helping you optimize your strategy for each location
  • Top product verticals per market
  • Segmented customer journey exploration
  • Tips to drive conversion & sales
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